About Signature Analysis
Signature analysis is the study of signatures. Just like how the handwriting reveals our inner nature, thinking patterns and state of mind, our signature reveals our public image that we showcase or wish to show to the world.
Course Details
Signature Analysis
Course duration (offline and online): 2 hours
Eligibility: Anyone can apply
Course Syllabus:
- Interpretation of signatures
- Understanding the clientās current status and requirement
- Signature recommendation based on clientās requirement
Did you Know?
- You would be able to actually change the public image and personality of a person without even changing it on legal documents.
- Avanii being a forensic graphology expert, you get all the tips from the forensic angle as well.
Not at all. You need to practice the recommended signature as prescribed by the therapist so that your neuropathway starts giving you the benefits. Then a follow up could decide if you need to change it legally. Still, a legal change is optional because by then your brain starts responding to your practised signature.
There are certain formations which look simple but cannot be copied. Not to forget that Dr. Avanii is a āQuestioned documents and Handwriting expertā from the institute of International forensic sciences.
What you get
On successful course completion, you will receive a certificate and notes and you will be pronounced as a Signature Analyst.
To enroll for the workshop, you can call us at +91 7045349280/81/82/83